Exploring at home during quarantine

  • Posted on: 27 April 2020
  • By: Sabine Oberrauter

The current health crisis we are experiencing as a consequence of SARS COVID-19 is affecting everyone.  However, little is said about how children are coping with the pandemic. Their daily lives have also been affected and they share the same concerns most of us have. Children observe adults in constant anguish over the uncertainty that COVID-19 is bringing and the wave of false news that easily propagates via social media. Yet, they do not necessarily find a way to express their fears, concerns and emotions.

Due to (i) the current uncertainty, (ii) the call of authorities for people to stay home #StayHome and (iii) the message that Francesco Tonucci sent to all children around the world the team “Exploradores de la Ciudad” from Mexico City got inspired and designed a didactic tool for children to express their emotions. The tool is an exploration diary called “Exploring at home” which you can download HERE. Thanks to Huasipichanga this booklet is also available in English, Dutch and Italian. 

Metamorphosis wanted to support the movement and has therefore contributed a German translation of the booklet. This will be available online soon.